In your group of 6 students, prepare a 12 minute SKETCH on a certain historical moment and, during session 7, present it to the rest of the class. The steps you need to follow to complete this task are presented bellow in a for of a dialogical script. Read it and understand what you need to do to create your historical sketch 


Narrator - That class was different. When the teacher looked at her students she always knew that their were capable of everything. Those students were creative, hard-working and with a flair for English. So, one day, she thought that a great activity for them could be creating their own sketches based on historical moments. What could be wrong? She was sure that they would all enjoy it. 

Next day morning in class...

Teacher -  Well, my dear students I have had a brilliant idea for this unit... (with a smile in her face and standing in front of the board) ... so I've thought that you are going to become actors and actresses and you are going to recreate an historical moment though short sketches. 

Students - (looking skeptical at each other) ... mmm wow.... 

Student Teresa - Well teacher... I think this might not be a good idea... I don't feel like to act in front of the entire class... it ... it ... it is so embarrassing. 

 Teacher - Don't worry y'all it is going to be fun and... trust me... no one is going to judge you! Let me explain you what this sketch is going to be about and how we are going to work 

Student Marcos - Okey teacher, let's see.... I think it can be really interesting. 

Teacher -  (with a loud and high pitch) YES! Trust me you are really going to enjoy it. So, what we are going to do is dividing you into  5 groups of 6 students. Each group will work on a different context... so let me proceed to tell you the groups and the contexts. 

Student María - Do we have to learn it off by heart?

Teacher - Yes María, as always. So.. in terms of the groups (starts writing on the board). Group 1 will work on the Coronation of Queen Elisabeth; group 2 in the Election winning Barack Obama; group 3 Antonio Bandera's Oscar Nomination; group 4: women's right to vote in New Zealand and group 5: NASA spaceship to the moon. Is everything clear? 

Students - (whispering to each other and talking at the same time) but we know nothing about it!

Narrator: All the students were a little bit surprised at the idea of the teacher, they could not believe that she wanted to do such a different task. They were used to work on oral presentations but they had never gone a step further... and well... as we all know acting is not made for everyone... However, the teacher, sure she was, continued with the explanation of the task. 

Teacher -  (with a little smile in her face) but you will! So let me explain to you how we are going to work and, I assure you that once we finish this unit you will be experts in this historical events. 

Student Marcos and María - (with a worried voice) oooookay... 

Teacher -  (speaking with a really clear voice and very slowly) So, during the 1st SESSION, we are going to present the final task, give the details and divide the students into 6 groups. Then, during the 2nd SESSION, in your groups, you are going to read about the historical moment assigned in order to start learning about it; during the 3rd session, you are going to do some research and watch examples of sketches that might help you build up yours. In session 4 you need to continue writing your script and think on the attrezzo required. During session 5 you need to complete the script and  check the final details. Finally, in SESSION 6 start rehearsing your sketch. (laughing a bit) It is obvious what comes in session 7, right? 

Student Lucas - Sure teacher, the presentation of our sketches! 

Teacher - You are completely right Lucas! So I think everything is crystal clear no, am I right? 

Students -  (muttering to each other) 

Teacher - Is it clear or is it not? 

Students - (all at the same time) It is!!!!

Teacher - Okey! so let's start right away and don't lose more time in explanations. 



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Don't forget to write your class, group number and names!
