Do you know any other sayings related to a healthy lifestyle. Present them and explain the meaning. 10'
Ex: Fresh as a daisy.
Reorganize a transcript related to an appointment at the doctor's. Then, listen to the dialogue and check if your dialogue is correct. Pay attention to the structures used!
Doctor: Hi, what's wrong?
Doctor: How long have you felt like this?
Doctor: Let me examine you. I will press on your stomach to see if it hurts and then listen to your heart.
Doctor: Ok. Did you eat anything different from usual before you started to feel this way?
Doctor: You need to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.
Doctor: You're welcome. If you are not better in 48 hours come and see me again.
Doctor: You've got food poisoning. It is not very serious and you should be better in another day.
Jane: Nearly two days. It started just before going to bed the day before yesterday.
Jane: I feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time.
Jane: Oh dear, what should I do?
Jane: Ok, thank you doctor.
Jane: Ok. It doesn't hurt when you press my stomach. I just feel tired.
Jane: Yes my boyfriend cooked dinner for me. He isn't a very good cook and the food tasted a bit strange.
Listen to the conversation and check
Now, brainstorm about your topic make a few notes about the main aspects and start a ROLE PLAY. You are at the doctor's, create a typical conversation and then change roles. 15'
Graded version. Write your own conversation before doing it orally. Use the following expressions if necessary
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