UNIT 6. Session 4




In pairs, create a definition to the word MINDFULNESS. Write it down and then listen to the explanation given by the teacher. Is your definition similar or close to the one given?

If you are home, write a comment on the blog. 



Listen podcast on 'mindfulness' and complete the information related to the questions provided.  

Find at least one example in the article of the following: 

A. examples of NOT being mindful. 

B. examples of being mindful. 

C. reasons life is getting busier. 

D. benefits of practising mindfulness. 

Graded version. Use the transcript.  



Have you ever driven somewhere and realised when you arrived that you couldn’t really remember anything about the journey? Or have you ever eaten far more biscuits than you meant to, almost without thinking about it? Or have you stayed up much later than you planned, or even all night, binge-watching ‘just one more’ episode of a TV series? All of these are examples of mindlessness. When we live this way, we are not as awake as we could be, and not fully living our lives. 

What exactly is mindfulness? 

When we are mindful, we are more conscious of our thoughts, our actions and what is happening around us. We might notice a beautiful sunset or really listen carefully to what a friend is saying, rather than planning what we’re going to say next. We are also more aware of our own feelings and our thoughts. Jon Kabat Zinn, who has done a lot to make mindfulness popular, says mindfulness is: ‘Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and without judging.’ So we are consciously deciding what to pay attention to, we are not worrying about the past or planning for the future and we are not trying to control or stop our thoughts or feelings – we’re just noticing them. 

Why is mindfulness so popular now? 

For most people life is getting busier and busier. Technology means that we always have something to do and there isn’t much opportunity to just ‘be’. People are often multi-tasking: texting while watching TV, or even looking at their phone while walking along the pavement. People are working longer hours and bringing work home. The more we do the more stressed we feel. Mindfulness can be a way of reducing this stress. 

What are the benefits of mindfulness? 

Research shows that mindfulness reduces stress and depression. It can help you to concentrate, have a better memory and to think more clearly. It can also help people to manage pain better and to improve their sleep, and it can even help you lose weight because you won’t eat that whole packet of biscuits without thinking! 

Retrieved from: The British Council

Now, interact. They to apply mindfulness to solve problems in you life. Student A describes a problem and Student B gives possible solution and vice versa. 15'





Time for you to research at home before the class. 

Those students who have looked for information at home explain the event to the class (background, what were the causes, the consequences and measures taken etc.). After learning about it, the class works on the question 'Has Haiti recovered after 10 years? What could have been done?  
