UNIT 4. Session 3



    Watch the following movie scenes of High School movies in the UK and in the US. 

How do you imagine High School in this countries. Create a diagram with their characteristics. 10'




Read the following texts about students enrolled in High Schools in English-speaking countries. Create a table with their characteristics. Then, add information about these aspects in Spanish High Schools and share information with a classmate. 15'


    When I think about my high school experience, there are many things that come to mind. Some of them are: good memories, bad memories, mistakes, lessons, happiness, heartbreak, misfortune, joy, drama, and most importantly, fun. High School to me seemed like it past by really fast, almost too fast sometimes. I learned many valuable life lessons as well as made life long friends. I learned the value of hard work, dedication, and also how to tell your real friends from the others. It was tough but overall a great experience that i will soon miss. 

    When I think about high school and all the memories, some of them were good, an some of them were bad. Most of the good memories involved my good friends and most of the bad memories involved just me. Some examples of good memories in high school is just like going to the different sports games with my friends. My friends and I attended many of the football games, basketball games and some baseball games. The sounds, the atmosphere, and the company of your friends is what makes the events so fun and exciting. Just good memories for me in general in high school include just the basic seeing people in the halls during passing period, doing class projects, attending assemblies, as well as just seeing people in class everyday. Some of the bad memories in high school for me include girls!!! I had 2 girlfriends in high school and both have a very special place in my heart, but they are the ones that caused me the most grief in high school. 

Surrounded by drama, fights, and disagreements most of my bad memories have something to do with them. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed one of the relationships I was in. Her name was Richelle Talbot. We were together for only 8 months but I felt like I had found a great girl. Some of the mistakes, lessons, happiness, joy and fun were all in direct relationship to the time I spent with her. She made my high school experience enjoyable as well as difficult. I would say that one of the biggest life lessons i have learned from this high school relationship is that you should always be yourself. People respect and enjoy the person that you really are inside, and if they don't, they are not really your friend. 

    Since being a freshman, I have changed in a major way. Coming into high school I was a shy, unmotivated young man that didn't really know what he was getting into. I am leaving high school a man who is mature, outgoing, and very sure of himself. If high school has taught me anything it is that you should always have confidence in yourself. If you believe in yourself and you believe that you can achieve anything you want in life, good things will happen to you. Knowing that I am graduating high school and never coming back hasn't really hit me yet. These 4 years has been an overall life changing experience that 

I will never forget. 

Now, share your ideas with a classmate and see the similarities and differences of International High Schools and students experiences and the Spanish context 10'

 Graded version: download this .docx to get some ideas of the Spanish context 




Match the following phrasal verbs with their definitions. Then, choose three of them and write complex sentences. 


- To confuse things or people 
- To absorb new facts and information 
- To read or rehearse something quickly in order to repeat or check 
- To not include something or someone 
- To find a piece of information in a book, internet, etc. 
- To review something 
- To not be on schedule, to be behind the standard or level of students in your class/ group 

Look at the following grammar of the semi-modal verb used to. When would you use this verb forms? Complete sentences with them. 

Complete these sentences: 

She _____ in a bank but she left and got a job as a gardener.
Since we had the baby I _____ much sleep.
