UNIT 4. Session 1



PRESENT YOUR IDEAS. You are at the school and you can perceive that some students are suffering from bullying. 10'

What are the best options to tackle it? and the worst?

List the ideas and share with the classmates. 










Work on thematic vocabulary. Inferring from definitions



Read a text on bullying at schools. In pairs, read the text and then make a list of the different ways in which you would spot violent attitudes in a school in order to, then, solve them. 15' 

It doesn’t matter if you are a student, educator, parent of a child or adolescent, or a community member. Everyone has a role in the prevention of school bullying, and most people have directly or indirectly participated in, witnessed, or experienced some form of bullying in schools.


There are several types of bullying to know about, and different ways that educators, schools, and parents can help stop bullying at school.


Find out below about the causes and effects of bullying, what to do if you or your child is being bullied, and get to know bullying laws.


Definition of Bullying

Bullying must meet certain requirements to be considered bullying. These are: malintent, imbalance of power, repeatedness, distress, and provocation. School bullying may occur either in schools, on campus, or outside of school, but it is due to relationships created in school settings.



Types of Bullying

Student with both hands on chain link fence



1. Direct Bullying and Indirect Bullying


Direct bullying is different from indirect bullying as direct bullying involves direct contact with the one being bullied. Indirect may not.


An example of direct bullying would be throwing something at a person, or yelling hurtful words at them. An example of indirect bullying might be spreading rumors about a classmate.


2. Cyberbullying


Cyberbullying is any type of bullying that happens online. It can be hurtful comments on a personal site or deceptive private messaging.


3. Physical Bullying


Physical bullying always involves physical contact with the other person. This can mean hand-to-hand, but can also mean throwing items, tripping, or eliciting others to cause physical harm to a person.


4. Emotional Bullying


Emotional bullying involves using ways to cause emotional hurt to another person. This can include saying or writing hurtful things, causing others to gang up on an individual, purposeful ignoring, or spreading rumors.


5. Sexual Bullying


Sexual bullying refers to any sort of bullying, done in any manner, that is related to a person’s gender or sexuality. Examples can include forcing someone to commit intimate acts, making sexual comments, or unwanted touching.


6. Verbal Bullying


Verbal bullying means using any form of language to cause the other person distress. Examples include using profanities, hurtful language, negatively commenting on a person’s appearance, using derogatory terms, or teasing.


7. Bullying in Higher Education


Many people wrongly assume that bullying stops in high school, but bullying still occurs in higher education as well. This can happen in many forms, and comes with special challenges due to students living away from home and on their own in many cases.

Text retrieved from: https://www.uopeople.edu/blog/definition-of-bullying/

 Graded version of text here

Now, discuss the different ways in which you would surveil students and the educational context you are enrolled in to stop any kind of bullying scenarios. 


During this Unit, both you and the international students have access to the blog. Please write a short paragraph about how you perceive bullying in the current society. Then post it on the blog by writing a comment. You can take a look at other people's opinions. 15' 




